Something beautiful for you; life and hope for them.
Welcome to Serendib Craftlink, home of authentic multicultural and indigenous resources, designed to enhance play based learning in early childhood. Every item is handcrafted by artisans in developing countries throughout Asia, Africa and South America, and purchased exclusively through Fair Trade sources.
Operating since 2003, our business grew out of a desire to expand ethical trading with developing countries, and a passion for early childhood education. Now carrying over 400 items including puppets, dolls and soft toys, games and puzzles, small world play, mobiles and selected homewares. We are privileged to now add to the range a selection of designs by indigenous artists under royalty agreements.
We purchase exclusively from Fair Trade sources, which are committed to ethical purchasing, ensuring fair prices and wages, with no child labour and no sweatshops. Using their traditional skills and natural resources, with appropriate new technology, these artisans produce a wonderful array of products, reflecting cultural diversity and environmental responsibility.
We know you will be delighted with our fun, bright children’s resources, with the added pleasure of knowing that your purchase will bring about positive changes in the lives of these talented people. Purchasing through Fair Trade businesses provides economic freedom and a dignified identity for some of the poorest communities in the world. Check out our Producer Partners section for inspiring stories from our producer groups.
We continue to explore new designs by Indigenous artists
Serendib Craftlink acknowledges and supports the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart.