About Us

Serendib Craftlink – Quality Fair Trade Resources for Early Childhood Centres

Serendib Craftlink has been operating for around 20 years; firstly as a general fair trade business, and for the past 15 years concentrating on resources for the Early Childhood sector.  Over this period, we have established a reputation for quality, ethical hand made products, with an emphasis on multi cultural resources.  Many of these lines have been in response to suggestions from professionals within services.  In the last three years, we have been privileged to collaborate with indigenous artists, to design art work and play based resources which, with their permission, have been made by our Fair Trade producer groups in developing countries.  All of these resources are purchased from genuine Fair Trade producers in developing countries, adhering to social justice practices such as fair wages and working conditions, no child labour and no sweat shops, as well as lessening any environmental impact.

We can be contacted through our email or via mobile.

Email:    sales@serendibcrafts.com.au

Mobile: 0408 682 093